Empowering youth in and from government care in BC
The Belonging Network is looking for 5 Subject Matter Experts to participate in a Gender-Based Violence project, to equip youth and young adults in and from government care with tools to stay safe, access support, and make informed decisions about
The Learning Fund for Young Adults (LFYA) is a one-time grant of $1,500 that helps young people with BC care experience with MCFD/ICFSAs participate in a range of learning opportunities. To support flexibility and autonomy in decision-making, applicants are encouraged
The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is hosting public engagement circles to gather recommendations on how to transform care planning policy and practice, with a focus on fostering belonging – to family, culture, and community – for Indigenous
Effective April 4, 2024, youth and young adults with care experience in British Columbia have access to expanded supports through the Strengthening Abilities and Journeys of Empowerment (SAJE) program. The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) and Indigenous Child
Effective November 20, 2023, Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is introducing a new Mental Health and Counselling Benefit of $1,500 per year for young adults on an Agreements with Young Adults (AYA), Temporary Housing Agreements (THA) or Temporary
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our latest quest on AgedOut.com, dedicated to supporting your mental health! The quest is live now, so get ready to embark on an empowering journey to enhance your mental health and overall well-being!
Kids Help Phone is available 24/7 for people experiencing the impacts of extreme weather. Their free e-mental health services are open to support people across Canada. Stay Safe! Click here for more information.
The 3rd intake period for the MCFD Rent Supplement opens soon! MCFD’s $600-a-month Rent Supplement applications are back! Eligible young adults can apply for the third intake between August 14, 2023 at 8:00 AM until August 28, 2023 at 11:59
Strengthening Abilities and Journeys of Empowerment (SAJE) program (new name!) Services and supports through SAJE have been available to youth and young adults 19 and older since 2022. The program is continuing to expand and improve. Recent enhancements include: $600
• StudentAid BC is bringing in a new Learning for Future Grant for former youth in care that expands on and will replace the Youth Educational Assistance Fund. • The new Learning for Future Grant will be available to eligible
MCFD is pleased to share the recent and upcoming improvements to the Youth Transitions program. Below you will find important information on enhanced supports for young adults transitioning into adulthood. Temporary Housing and Temporary Support Agreements Changes – effective April
We need your input for the development of a youth mentorship program! We want to know what type of mentorship program would be most helpful to you. You will be entered into a draw to win 1 of 3 $50
Earlier this year, the Government of B.C. announced funding for a new youth transitions program and workers. The program will support youth from care, from the age of 19 until their 27th birthday. New workers will provide transition planning supports
The one-time top-up to the Canada Housing Benefit aims to help low-income renters with the cost of renting. You may be eligible for a tax-free one-time payment of $500 if your income and the amount that you pay on rent
The interim Canada Dental Benefit is intended to help lower dental costs for eligible families earning less than $90,000 per year. Parents and guardians can apply if the child receiving dental care is under 12 years old and does not
The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) has launched a public engagement on the oversight of social work in B.C. This engagement is exploring the current state of social work oversight, including what is working well and opportunities for
Employment and Social Development Canada is holding a virtual Youth with Disabilities Town Hall on Monday, December 5, 2022, from 8:00am – 10:00am (PST). They are inviting youth (15-30 years old) with lived experience to participate in this event. Registration
This program was established this year in partnership with the Vancouver Film Studio and is intended to award financial assistance to indigenous persons who plan to pursue any kind of formal or informal career-related education or training in British Columbia.
Earlier this year the province announced it’s investing $35 million over the next 3 years into programs and services for young adults from government care to better support them as they transition into adulthood. A part of this commitment includes
The Government of BC announced its budget for 2022. Included in this announcement is $35 million dollars in funding over the next three years, that will directly support youth in care beyond their 19th birthdays. Highlights from the 2022 Budget
The Phones4Youth program will distribute smartphones from Telus to every B.C. youth in care aged 13 or older, regardless of their care status! Check out the full announcement here.
BC’s Restart is a careful, four-step plan to bring B.C. back together. As of May 25, we can gradually begin to restart our important social connections, businesses and activities. BC is now in step 1 until at least June 15th.
Celebrate BC Youth in Care Week with AgedOut.com! Check out AgedOut.com’s Facebook page for more details!
Do you identify as a current or former youth in care? Are you attending or planning to attend post-secondary studies like trades training, college or university or complete high school upgrading? Have you used any of the programs listed below?
Provincial health orders extended until May 25th at 11:59pm. The following restrictions have been put in place to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission related to social interactions and travel. That means: No indoor social gatherings of ANY size with anyone other
AgedOut.com has a Covid-19 info page – click here to check it out!
MCFD supports extended until March 31st, 2022! All youth who are set to transition at age 19 will continue to receive housing and financial support past their 19th birthday, until March 31, 2022. This means youth who are currently living
*NEW* Provincial health orders in place until January 8th, 2021. By order and direction of the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), all events and social gatherings are suspended to significantly reduce COVID-19 transmission related to social interactions and travel. That means:
Rent freezes have been extended until July 10th 2021! This means that your rent cannot be increased until July 10th 2021 and if you have already received a rental increase notice, those are cancelled. Click here to read the offical
AgedOut.com 5000 contests winners! Thank you to all that participated in our contests and helped us reach this amazing milestone! Our winners for the youth contest are – Melanie H, Ashley M, Katie K, Ha f, Madison H! Our winners