As a young person in Care in British Columbia you have rights. You have the right to be yourself, to be heard, to be healthy and to be safe. The adults and service providers in your life have a responsibility to make sure that your rights are being respected and upheld. In this info page you will learn about your rights and what to do if you feel they aren’t being respected.
(a)receive guidance, encouragement and support to learn about and practise your Indigenous traditions, customs and languages, and
(b)belong to your Indigenous communities.
Learn more about what the RCY offers here.
As a young person in Care in British Columbia you have rights. You have the right to be yourself, to be heard, to be healthy and to be safe. The adults and service providers in your life have a responsibility to make sure that your rights are being respected and upheld. In this info page you will learn about your rights and what to do if you feel they aren’t being respected.
(a)receive guidance, encouragement and support to learn about and practise your Indigenous traditions, customs and languages, and
(b)belong to your Indigenous communities.
Learn more about what the RCY offers here.