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Legal Help for Children & Youth

Legal Help for Children & Youth

Under 19 and need free legal services? The Society for Children and Youth may be able to help you.

Legal Services for Children and Youth

Who are we?

The Society for Children and Youth is a provincial organization dedicated to the improvement of children and youth’s well-being throughout BC. They use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as a foundation.

Are you under 19 and need free legal services?

The Child and Youth Legal Centre provides direct legal services to children and youth throughout BC. The role of the Centre is to advocate on behalf of vulnerable children and youth. Legal counsel will put forward the young person’s views and interests.

Free Legal Services

Given at no cost to children and youth when no other legal services are available.

The services are available to help all children and youth under 19 in BC with an emphasis on helping:

  • Immigrant
  • Refugee
  • Street involved
  •  LGBTQ               
  • Indigenous youth and children

If you are over 19 and the legal issue happened before your 19th birthday you may still be eligible for the service.

The Child and Youth Legal Centre offers help with:

  • Family matters
  • Child protection
  • Other child and youth legal issues.

The centre does not do “Views of the Child Reports”.

How do I get these services?

To make an appointment contact:778-657-5544
303-1720 Grant St, Vancouver, BC

(Corner of Commercial Drive and Grant, 2 blocks north of 1st Ave.)

More information:

I Need Help!

In Crisis Contact List

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