A social insurance number (SIN) is really useful. You need your SIN to get a job, tax refunds, and student loans.
If you had a Continuing Custody Order (CCO) or were a permanent ward you may have a SIN card. Contact the Public Guardian and Trustee’s office to find out.
COVID-19 update
Due to COVID-19 all Service Canada offices are closed. Check out this page for more info on how to get your SIN card at this time.
You can apply for a SIN card at your local Service Canada Centre or by mail.
1. Check out the What you need before you apply page.
2. Click here to apply.
1. Go to your local Service Canada Centre.
2. Bring one of these pieces of ID:
3. Ask for a SIN card and they'll give you one on the spot.
Insider Tip
It's a good idea to photocopy your ID before you mail it away. Or, you can just write down your ID numbers. It'll help you get new ID if the original is lost in the mail.
Watch and learn about SIN cards:
It's free.
A social insurance number (SIN) is really useful. You need your SIN to get a job, tax refunds, and student loans.
If you had a Continuing Custody Order (CCO) or were a permanent ward you may have a SIN card. Contact the Public Guardian and Trustee’s office to find out.
COVID-19 update
Due to COVID-19 all Service Canada offices are closed. Check out this page for more info on how to get your SIN card at this time.
You can apply for a SIN card at your local Service Canada Centre or by mail.
1. Check out the What you need before you apply page.
2. Click here to apply.
1. Go to your local Service Canada Centre.
2. Bring one of these pieces of ID:
3. Ask for a SIN card and they'll give you one on the spot.
Insider Tip
It's a good idea to photocopy your ID before you mail it away. Or, you can just write down your ID numbers. It'll help you get new ID if the original is lost in the mail.
Watch and learn about SIN cards:
It's free.