Health & Wellness

Get help with substance use

Get help with substance use

Overdoses are on the rise. There are services available in British Columbia aimed to provide support to people who want to stop using substances. If you need support to deal with substance use and/or you want to receive treatment, these are some of the services you can access.

What are the treatment options?

Treatment centres offer residential programs, there are out patient programs and harm reduction resources as well.

Opioid agonist therapy involves medication that can help with cravings and withdrawal. Medications such as Methadone and Suboxone will help to overcome opiate use.

Clinics and community organizations around BC can help you identify the best plan for your needs, whether it is a treatment centre, agonist therapy, or another option.

Insider Tip

You may also qualify for SAJE program while attending a rehabilitation program. Check out our SAJE info page for more details.

How can I access treatment in BC?

Many health centres across BC are set up to help you access different treatment options for substance use.

Alcohol & Drug Information Referral Service (ADIRS) provides free, confidential information and referral services to people in need of support with any kind of substance use issue (alcohol or other drugs). Referral to community substance use treatment services is available for all ages.

Need support? Call ADIRS toll-free at 1 800 663-1441, or in the lower mainland at 604 660-9382 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Online, you can:

Youth substance use beds in BC

Bed-based services support youth to meet their substance use treatment goals and include withdrawal management (detox), supportive recovery, bed-based treatment and transitional beds. There is no cost to youth and families for the services.

Bed-based services might be a good fit for young people who require a higher intensity of services to address complex or acute mental health and/or substance use challenges. Bed-based services may also be the right choice for young people who are experience homelessness or unstable housing.

Click here for info on how to access bed based services.

Treatment centres in BC



Fraser Valley

Vancouver coastal health

Vancouver Island

Click here to check out an infograph with more details about youth substance use bed-based services in BC.


What are my options in the lower mainland?

In the lower mainland, the number of clinics continue to expand their service options.

The Rapid Access Addiction Clinic (RAAC) is staffed by an addiction care team on the second floor of the Burrard Building at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver.

Vancouver Coastal Health Substance use Treatment and Response Team (START) click here to find this service near you.

Addictions medicine at Downtown Eastside Connections Clinic can provide opioid agonist treatment at 569 Powell Street, Monday to Friday. You can call them at 604-675-3600.

Columbia street Community Clinic at 350 Columbia offers full primary care and opiate addictions treatment with walk-ins. 604-879-7906

Pender Community Health Center is located at 59 West Pender Street. Clients should drop-in 10:30am-12:30pm. 604-669-9181

Ravens Song Community Health Centre is located at 2450 Ontario Street. 604-709-6400.

Three Bridges Community Health Centre at 1128 Hornby Street. Call (604) 331-8900 to set up appointment.

For mothers and folks recently or currently pregnant, Sheway Pregnancy Outreach Program at 533 E Hastings St operates 9:15am-4:00pm weekday drop-ins.  604-216-1684.

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