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Find Parenting Resources

Find Parenting Resources

Parenting resources can help you to understand how to support the wellbeing of your child in a safe and affordable way. Below you can explore pregnancy and early childhood healthcare services, childcare programs, and information on affordable childcare benefits.

Financial supports:

Childcare – Young Parent Program: If you are under the age of 25 you may qualify for help with childcare while you finish high school – including:

  • Up to $1,500 (per month per child) to help cover the cost of child care
  • A space for your child in a care program at or near the school you attend

Affordable childcare benefit is a monthly payment that can help you with the costs of child care. *You need to renew your application every year*

Healthy kids program: The Healthy Kids Program provides coverage for basic dental treatment, optical care and hearing assistance for your children.

Community supports:

  • Nurse – family partnership program: This is a free program for women having their first baby and ensures you both receive support during pregnancy and after your child is born up to two years of age. When you enroll, a public health nurse will visit you in your home or where you’re comfortable.
  • Choose the area you live in from the list below to learn about supports they have for young parents:

Fraser Health – Best Beginnings Program

Vancouver Coastal Health – Public Health Pre-Natal Program

Interior Health – Healthy From The Start

Island Health – Right From The Start

Northern Health  – Healthy Start Pre-Natal Services

  • Family resource programs: Family Resource Programs are parent/child interactive centers for families with children 0–6 years throughout BC. Services are designed to strengthen parenting skills, provide stimulating environments for children, and promote family and community engagement.
  • The Family Education and Support Centre: You can find workshops, groups and drop ins on topics such as early child development, self-care, healthy relationships, info for young parents, and multicultural supports, to name a few. A lot of these groups are free, however there are a few that have a cost (it will be listed on the website).

Find Parenting Resources

Parenting resources can help you to understand how to support the wellbeing of your child in a safe and affordable way. Below you can explore pregnancy and early childhood healthcare services, childcare programs, and information on affordable childcare benefits.

Financial supports:

Childcare – Young Parent Program: If you are under the age of 25 you may qualify for help with childcare while you finish high school – including:

  • Up to $1,500 (per month per child) to help cover the cost of child care
  • A space for your child in a care program at or near the school you attend

Affordable childcare benefit is a monthly payment that can help you with the costs of child care. *You need to renew your application every year*

Healthy kids program: The Healthy Kids Program provides coverage for basic dental treatment, optical care and hearing assistance for your children.

Community supports:

  • Nurse – family partnership program: This is a free program for women having their first baby and ensures you both receive support during pregnancy and after your child is born up to two years of age. When you enroll, a public health nurse will visit you in your home or where you’re comfortable.
  • Choose the area you live in from the list below to learn about supports they have for young parents:

Fraser Health – Best Beginnings Program

Vancouver Coastal Health – Public Health Pre-Natal Program

Interior Health – Healthy From The Start

Island Health – Right From The Start

Northern Health  – Healthy Start Pre-Natal Services

  • Family resource programs: Family Resource Programs are parent/child interactive centers for families with children 0–6 years throughout BC. Services are designed to strengthen parenting skills, provide stimulating environments for children, and promote family and community engagement.
  • The Family Education and Support Centre: You can find workshops, groups and drop ins on topics such as early child development, self-care, healthy relationships, info for young parents, and multicultural supports, to name a few. A lot of these groups are free, however there are a few that have a cost (it will be listed on the website).

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