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Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks

Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks

The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks (FBCYICN, or the Fed) is a provincial youth-driven non-profit organization dedicated to supporting young people in and from care between the ages of 14 and 24.

The Fed creates a safe space for youth to come together, build connections, create solutions to barriers they face, and feel at home.  They host youth retreats, provide bursaries for education and skills development, support youth with leadership opportunities and distribute resources and information to young people and their allies.

How can you get involved?

Local Networks:

Locals are groups run by youth and adult allies in cities throughout BC. Each local is unique as it responds to the needs of the youth in that community. Locals are supported by local (host) agencies and Fed staff.  Most locals combine fun activities, advocacy, and life skills. Youth leaders decide how and what their locals look like in collaboration with members and allies. Locals help the Fed provide a provincial voice and connection for youth in and from care across B.C.

Why would you get involved with a local?

  • Meet people with similar lived experiences to empower and support each other
  • Have fun with peers in and from care
  • Help create a safe and fun space
  • Unite your voices to create change in the system
  • Build a group that meets the needs of youth in and from care in your community
  • Help youth-serving organizations learn how to better serve youth in and from care

Click here to find a local in your community!

Power Pages

Power Pages is a provincial magazine that aims to connect youth in and from care, service providers, and caregivers across BC. It is a platform for youth in and from care to express their concerns and experiences, share their voices and connect with other youth. Current and former youth in care can send in their artwork, photography, stories, opinions, articles, and poetry to be published in Power Pages.

Click here to read the latest issue of Power Pages Magazine

Click here to submit content for publishing

Click here for the Submission cover sheet

Youth Retreats

The Fed hosts youth retreats to bring youth in and from care from around the province together. The retreats are a lot of fun and help build lifelong community among youth in and from care. Retreats offer opportunities to learn valuable life skills, guide the Fed’s work and contribute to the Feds commitment to advocating for youth in and from care through participating in consultations with service providers and system makers.

Click here to find out when the next retreat is and get your application!


Dream Fund

The Dream Fund supports young people in and from care to pursue their careers and achieve their goals through education and skill building. The Dream Fund includes two different bursaries that are distributed three times a year: in October, March and July.

Education achievement bursary:

The Education Achievement Bursary provides up to $1500 for youth in and from care who want to attend post-secondary school. Young people can use this bursary for all private and public accredited schools.

Reach for success bursary:

The Reach for Success Bursary provides up to $500 for youth who are working toward a goal but facing a financial barrier. Youth who have been awarded this bursary have used the funds for sports and recreation fees, yoga memberships, photography classes, driving lessons, certifications like Foodsafe, and even dental work.

Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks

The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks (FBCYICN, or the Fed) is a provincial youth-driven non-profit organization dedicated to supporting young people in and from care between the ages of 14 and 24.

The Fed creates a safe space for youth to come together, build connections, create solutions to barriers they face, and feel at home.  They host youth retreats, provide bursaries for education and skills development, support youth with leadership opportunities and distribute resources and information to young people and their allies.

How can you get involved?

Local Networks:

Locals are groups run by youth and adult allies in cities throughout BC. Each local is unique as it responds to the needs of the youth in that community. Locals are supported by local (host) agencies and Fed staff.  Most locals combine fun activities, advocacy, and life skills. Youth leaders decide how and what their locals look like in collaboration with members and allies. Locals help the Fed provide a provincial voice and connection for youth in and from care across B.C.

Why would you get involved with a local?

  • Meet people with similar lived experiences to empower and support each other
  • Have fun with peers in and from care
  • Help create a safe and fun space
  • Unite your voices to create change in the system
  • Build a group that meets the needs of youth in and from care in your community
  • Help youth-serving organizations learn how to better serve youth in and from care

Click here to find a local in your community!

Power Pages

Power Pages is a provincial magazine that aims to connect youth in and from care, service providers, and caregivers across BC. It is a platform for youth in and from care to express their concerns and experiences, share their voices and connect with other youth. Current and former youth in care can send in their artwork, photography, stories, opinions, articles, and poetry to be published in Power Pages.

Click here to read the latest issue of Power Pages Magazine

Click here to submit content for publishing

Click here for the Submission cover sheet

Youth Retreats

The Fed hosts youth retreats to bring youth in and from care from around the province together. The retreats are a lot of fun and help build lifelong community among youth in and from care. Retreats offer opportunities to learn valuable life skills, guide the Fed’s work and contribute to the Feds commitment to advocating for youth in and from care through participating in consultations with service providers and system makers.

Click here to find out when the next retreat is and get your application!


Dream Fund

The Dream Fund supports young people in and from care to pursue their careers and achieve their goals through education and skill building. The Dream Fund includes two different bursaries that are distributed three times a year: in October, March and July.

Education achievement bursary:

The Education Achievement Bursary provides up to $1500 for youth in and from care who want to attend post-secondary school. Young people can use this bursary for all private and public accredited schools.

Reach for success bursary:

The Reach for Success Bursary provides up to $500 for youth who are working toward a goal but facing a financial barrier. Youth who have been awarded this bursary have used the funds for sports and recreation fees, yoga memberships, photography classes, driving lessons, certifications like Foodsafe, and even dental work.

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