Student loans provide you money to help cover the costs of post-secondary education. You have to pay them back once you’ve finished studying. In BC, student loans are run by StudentAid BC.
Surprise! You might even qualify for a grant! When you apply for a student loan, you are automatically assessed and will receive the grant with your student loan if you are eligible.
Actually, it’s not you that qualifies, it’s the school you want to go to. If you want to attend any major college, institute, or university in BC, you should be fine. If you’re unsure whether your school you’re attending qualifies, check StudentAid BC’s list of eligible schools.
Social Insurance Number (SIN)
Student ID number
School and program name
School start and end dates
Education history
Work history
Banking information
Sources of income
Childcare costs (if you have kids)
Any funding you’ve received from scholarships, grants, bursaries, or tuition waivers
Vehicle information (if you have one)
Insider Tip
If you were in care until your 19th birthday or are currently in care, answer Yes to Question 29: Youth in Continuing Care of the B.C. Director. A window will pop up to tell you how to apply for the Youth Education Assistance Fund. The fund gives you money for school that you won’t have to pay back.
If you need help with your student loan application you can call StudentAid BC toll-free at 1-800-561-1818. Staff are available Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm Pacific time.
The Province of BC has announced the new B.C Access Grant.
Students who apply for a student loan as of September 2020 will automatically be assessed for the B.C Access Grant.
Click here to learn more.
You have to start repaying the loan seven months after you finish school. Finished school means:
StudentAid BC will contact you to create a payment plan when you finish school. If you don’t think you can make your payments, apply for the Repayment Assistance Plan. If you don’t respond, they’ll automatically withdraw payments from your bank account when those seven months are up.
Insider Tip
If you can’t afford your loan payments, you can apply for repayment assistance through the NSLSC.
Student loans provide you money to help cover the costs of post-secondary education. You have to pay them back once you’ve finished studying. In BC, student loans are run by StudentAid BC.
Surprise! You might even qualify for a grant! When you apply for a student loan, you are automatically assessed and will receive the grant with your student loan if you are eligible.
Actually, it’s not you that qualifies, it’s the school you want to go to. If you want to attend any major college, institute, or university in BC, you should be fine. If you’re unsure whether your school you’re attending qualifies, check StudentAid BC’s list of eligible schools.
Social Insurance Number (SIN)
Student ID number
School and program name
School start and end dates
Education history
Work history
Banking information
Sources of income
Childcare costs (if you have kids)
Any funding you’ve received from scholarships, grants, bursaries, or tuition waivers
Vehicle information (if you have one)
Insider Tip
If you were in care until your 19th birthday or are currently in care, answer Yes to Question 29: Youth in Continuing Care of the B.C. Director. A window will pop up to tell you how to apply for the Youth Education Assistance Fund. The fund gives you money for school that you won’t have to pay back.
If you need help with your student loan application you can call StudentAid BC toll-free at 1-800-561-1818. Staff are available Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm Pacific time.
The Province of BC has announced the new B.C Access Grant.
Students who apply for a student loan as of September 2020 will automatically be assessed for the B.C Access Grant.
Click here to learn more.
You have to start repaying the loan seven months after you finish school. Finished school means:
StudentAid BC will contact you to create a payment plan when you finish school. If you don’t think you can make your payments, apply for the Repayment Assistance Plan. If you don’t respond, they’ll automatically withdraw payments from your bank account when those seven months are up.
Insider Tip
If you can’t afford your loan payments, you can apply for repayment assistance through the NSLSC.