Youth Transitions Improved Supports

MCFD is pleased to share the recent and upcoming improvements to the Youth Transitions program. Below you will find important information on enhanced supports for young adults transitioning into adulthood.

Temporary Housing and Temporary Support Agreements Changes – effective April 3, 2023
MCFD is introducing additional flexibility for housing options:

  • Eligible young adults on a Temporary Housing Agreement (THA) can now access a Temporary Support Agreement (TSA) on their 19th birthday regardless of their living arrangement;
  • There is now a two-year timeframe in effect for accessing a THA and TSA which are available to young adults between the ages of 19 and 21; 
  • Young adults can move from a THA to a TSA at any time between their 19th to 21st birthday; and
  • Young adults approaching or over 21 will be supported to transition from their current agreements by December 30, 2023.  


AYA Expansion from 48 to 84 months – effective April 3, 2023

  • In response to feedback from the Youth Advisory Council, young adults and front-line workers, and to minimize unnecessary instability and distress for young adults, MCFD has changed regulation to extend the maximum duration of AYA to 84 months. This will ensure young adults can receive their AYA supports and services up until their 27th birthday.


Dental/Optical Limit Increase – effective April 3, 2023

  • The ministry has increased dental coverage by $300 to $1000 annually and expanded optical benefits to cover eye exams for young adults participating in MCFD’s post-majority programming.  


Provincial Tuition Waiver Program – effective August 1, 2023
StudentAid BC will improve supports for former youth in care by:

  • Opening the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program (PTWP) for former youth in care at any age;
  • Enhancing PTWP eligibility to include those former youth in care who were on any care status when they turned 19 regardless of their time in care; and
  • Introducing a new annual grant up to $3,500 to help students who are recipients of the provincial tuition waiver pay for additional costs such as books, computers, and internet services.


Additional Information and Resources:

Youth Transitions web page

Youth Transitions Housing Supports web page

Youth Transitions AYA web page

Provincial Tuition Waiver Program News Release

Youth Transitions Implementation Roadmap

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