Newly named SAJE supports offer youth in care a stronger path to adulthood

Strengthening Abilities and Journeys of Empowerment (SAJE) program (new name!)

Services and supports through SAJE have been available to youth and young adults 19 and older since 2022. The program is continuing to expand and improve.

Recent enhancements include:

  • $600 every two years for glasses and contacts, which has expanded to include eye exams;
  • dental coverage has increased to up to $1,000 a year;
  • expanded housing flexibility for youth between the ages of 19 and 21; and
  • expanding the maximum duration of supports for up to 84 months until age 27.

To help youth and young adults navigate the supports available to them, the ministry is hiring new workers. SAJE “navigators” support youth in care as young as 14 by working together to identify goals and develop, and support a plan to transition from care. SAJE “guides” connect young adults from care to supports and services and assist them in achieving their goals through to their 25th birthday.


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