New MCFD SAJE Mental Health and Counselling Benefit & Life-skills, Training and Cultural Connections Funding

Effective November 20, 2023, Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is introducing a new Mental Health and Counselling Benefit of $1,500 per year for young adults on an Agreements with Young Adults (AYA), Temporary Housing Agreements (THA) or Temporary Support Agreements (TSA). Additionally, any young adult in the AYA program who is focused on developing life-skills is able to access up to $5,500 in a single year (up to a maximum of $11,000 during AYA participation, starting at age 19 up until their 27th birthday) to support the pursuit of their life-skills goals.

Mental Health and Counselling Benefit

  • Young adults transitioning from government care who are currently in the AYA program or have a TSA or THA are eligible to receive the new Mental Health and Counselling Benefit.
  • Specialized counselling services are available to young adults under the new benefit, to use as needed. Please note that MCFD is not providing counsellors for young adults.
  • The new SAJE Mental Health and Counselling Benefit provides $1,500 per year for young adults to access and receive counselling services of their choice, through eligible service providers.
  • Young adults can contact a SAJE Guide, an MCFD worker, Indigenous Child and Family Services Agency (ICFSA) worker or MCFD’s SAJE Provincial Support Services (SPSS) at 1-866-623-3001 or to find out more information about the new SAJE Mental Health and Counselling Benefit.

Life-skills, Training and Cultural Connections Funding

  • The SAJE Life-skills, Training and Cultural Connections (LSTCC) Funding is flexible and linked to each young person’s unique plans and goals under the AYA program to help them experience personal growth, reach their potential and achieve their life-skills goals. 
  • All young adults who meet the following eligibility criteria are encouraged to access SAJE LSTCC Funding: 
    Must be eligible for and participating in the AYA Program AND 
    Wishes to or is participating in either: 
              – An individualized life-skills program for a minimum total of 5-hours per week OR 
              – A combination of vocational, educational, and/or rehabilitative programming AND an individualized life-skills program for a minimum total of 5-hours per week.  
  • Young adults can contact a SAJE Guide, an MCFD worker or an ICFSA worker for more information about the LSTCC Funding.

Additional Information and Resources: 

Life-skills, Training and Cultural Connections Guidelines

Life-skills, Training and Cultural Connections FAQ

SAJE Mental Health and Counselling Benefit FAQ for Young Adults

SAJE Webpage

SAJE Implementation Roadmap

SAJE Infographic  


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