2022 BC Government budget announcements

The Government of BC announced its budget for 2022. Included in this announcement is $35 million dollars in funding over the next three years, that will directly support youth in care beyond their 19th birthdays. Highlights from the 2022 Budget that will directly support youth in and from care in BC: – Beginning in 2022/23, temporary housing and support arrangements that had been provided in 2020 will be made permanent and new rent supplements will be introduced for program participants – Over the course of 2023/24 and 2024/25, dedicated provincial funding grows to facilitate expanded income supports and enhancements to the Agreement with Young Adults program to include counseling, medical benefits, and expanded life-skills programming. Funding will also support new Youth Transitions navigators who will assist up to 8,830 youth up to their 27th birthday. Navigators will help successfully transition these youth from government care by facilitating access to this better-designed continuum of services.

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