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Find sexual health services

Find sexual health services

Sexual health services help you to understand yourself and your body, how to be safe, and what do in uncomfortable or confusing situations. You can talk to someone about your sexuality, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), pregnancy, and birth control.

I have a question about my sexual health. What are my options?

You can try find answers on your own, or talk to different professionals.


  • Talk to someone you know and trust. Maybe they’ve had a similar experience or can point you in the right direction.


  • Talk to a nurse at 8-1-1. They’re available anytime of the day or night.


  • Call Options for Sexual Health Services at 1-800-SEX-SENSE or 604-731-7803 in the Lower Mainland


  • Find resources in your community by calling 2-1-1.


  • Visit your doctor. They can answer questions, help you explore options, evaluate any symptoms, and prescribe medication.

How much does it cost to visit a sexual health clinic?

It’s free as long as you have a BC Services Card (CareCard).

Find sexual health services

Sexual health services help you to understand yourself and your body, how to be safe, and what do in uncomfortable or confusing situations. You can talk to someone about your sexuality, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), pregnancy, and birth control.

I have a question about my sexual health. What are my options?

You can try find answers on your own, or talk to different professionals.


  • Talk to someone you know and trust. Maybe they’ve had a similar experience or can point you in the right direction.


  • Talk to a nurse at 8-1-1. They’re available anytime of the day or night.


  • Call Options for Sexual Health Services at 1-800-SEX-SENSE or 604-731-7803 in the Lower Mainland


  • Find resources in your community by calling 2-1-1.


  • Visit your doctor. They can answer questions, help you explore options, evaluate any symptoms, and prescribe medication.

How much does it cost to visit a sexual health clinic?

It’s free as long as you have a BC Services Card (CareCard).

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