What's this site all about?

AgedOut.com is for young adults who were in government care in BC. It’s an up-to-date warehouse of information on resources and services available to young adults and a learning tool to help people feel empowered as they leave care.

We built AgedOut.com after listening to the voices of former youth in care to make sure the site meets their needs.

Word on the street: aging out of government care

We hit up the streets of Vancouver and interview people about their knowledge of foster care. Our hosts ask them about what they know about foster care, and compare their experiences growing up to those in care. We got a lot of different responses but ultimately discovered that many people are unaware of the “aging out” process in British Columbia.

In British Columbia youth in government care are considered “aged out” on their 19th birthday. On this day young people are considered independent adults and no longer in the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

How did we get here?

In March 2014 we consulted 101 youth in and from care in BC to find out what their experiences have been since they left care and what changes to the system they want to see. Their responses helped to build AgedOut.com. Here’s what they think (image)

Who's we?

AgedOut.com was developed by the Belonging Network ( formerly the Adoptive Families Association of BC) in partnership with the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Plus, of course, the insights and thoughts of former youth in care all over BC! We are so grateful for your input. The Belonging Network is dedicated to supporting adoptive and permanency families and youth in and from government care in BC and beyond.

Questions, comments, or feedback?

Send it all to:

The AgedOut.com Team


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