The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks is excited to announce the relaunch of the Take the Wheel Bursary Program. Take the Wheel will support youth in and from care in helping to remove barriers that prevent them from obtaining their license in BC. Take the Wheel consists of the Driver Training Bursary and the License Support Bursary.
The 2018-2019 Take the Wheel Program is being funded by a one-time $100,000 funding from MCFD and will be run and managed by the Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks.
For more information or questions please contact Shannon Dolton by email at or by phone at (604) 527-7762.
Changes to the Take the Wheel Bursary in 2018-2019
Changes were based on recommendations from the 2017 Take the Wheel Evaluation.
The Drivers Training Bursary will award up to $1,500 towards lessons or courses for drivers training
The License Support Bursary will award up to $250 towards taking your L license test, your N license test or to pay down transit fines
Applications are available in webform and fillable PDF
Program will run for three rounds with deadlines of October 18, 2018, March 8, 2019 and July 5, 2019
18 months of support and connection to the Fed upon receiving the bursary